Business Members
Choose ONE meeting to feature your Business in the Community at no cost:
Networking - Here we will introduce you to the community and have you meet other great members. We will also like and follow you on social media to increase your reach on the platforms you are on.
Workshop- At this meeting we highlight you in the community and do reviews for you to boost your visibility on google, social media, or wherever we can support you and your business.
Community News – At this meeting we will highlight you and then you will need to bring a recent ad or post you have made so that we can all share it on our personal social pages to help get your message out.
Podcast – At this meeting we will highlight you to the community by featuring you on our podcast and broadcast your message out to the community.
Sign up to be set up as an exclusive business.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to be the one and only business we support in our community. Funneling everyone we know to YOU! Once a business secures the spot of being the ONLY one in your profession... it is gone! By selecting this option, you will be contacted to guarantee your exclusivity with in 5 business days.
Serve in the community to receive a discount on your membership.
By clicking below you can choose to be enrolled in one of our service programs. Choose from influencing, marketing, podcasting, running a workshop and more. Receive a $50 discount on any membership you choose per month, plus gain the opportunity to get paid from the profits of the community.
Connect with us in our weekly meeting
Come and experience our development meeting where we will highlight you in our community at NO COST! Experience the difference and choose between of Networking and sharing your business on social media, increase and get new reviews on at our workshops, we will broadcast your social media ad in community news, or broadcast you on our podcast. Select how we can highlight you today and expand your reach for FREE with People4People.